Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe pdf download

book-title-icon-openmaktabaBook Title: Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe
book-author-icon-openmaktabaBook Author:
book-category-icon-openmaktabaBook Category: Europe Asia
book-type-icon-openmaktabaBook Type: PDF Book
number-of-pages-icon-openmaktabaBook Pages: 177
book-size-in-mbs-openmaktabaPDF Size: 6.81 Mb(s)
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book-post-date-icon-openmaktabaPost Date: October 7, 2023
used-language-icon-openmaktabaLanguage: English
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 Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe

“Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe” is a comprehensive and insightful exploration of one of the most significant and iconic artifacts of prehistoric Europe – the flint dagger. Written by renowned archaeologists Catherine Frieman and Berit Valentin Eriksen, this book delves into the history, significance, and cultural context of these ancient weapons.

The book begins by tracing the origins of flint daggers in prehistoric Europe, exploring their development and evolution over time. The authors examine the various types of flint daggers found in different regions, including their shapes, sizes, and decorative features. They also discuss the materials and techniques used to create these weapons, shedding light on the skill and expertise of prehistoric artisans.

In addition to their physical attributes, the authors delve into the cultural and symbolic significance of flint daggers. They explore the role of these weapons in prehistoric societies, examining how they were used in warfare, as ceremonial objects, and as symbols of power and status. The book also considers the social and economic factors that influenced the production and distribution of flint daggers, providing a fascinating glimpse into the complex societies of prehistoric Europe.

Throughout the book, Frieman and Eriksen draw on a wealth of archaeological evidence, including excavations of burial sites and other archaeological sites throughout Europe. They also incorporate insights from other disciplines, such as anthropology and art history, to provide a multifaceted view of flint daggers and their place in prehistoric culture.

With its engaging prose, rich illustrations, and meticulous scholarship, “Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe” is an essential resource for anyone interested in the archaeology and cultural history of prehistoric Europe. Whether you are a professional archaeologist or simply a curious reader, this book offers a fascinating and illuminating exploration of one of the most iconic artifacts of the ancient world..

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Europe-Asia-Catherine-Frieman,-Berit-Valentin-Eriksen--Flint-Daggers-in-Prehistoric-Europe-.pdf, 177- pages

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