The European Iron Age pdf download

book-title-icon-openmaktabaBook Title: The European Iron Age
book-author-icon-openmaktabaBook Author:
book-category-icon-openmaktabaBook Category: History
book-type-icon-openmaktabaBook Type: PDF Book
number-of-pages-icon-openmaktabaBook Pages: 193
book-size-in-mbs-openmaktabaPDF Size: 11.09 Mb(s)
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book-post-date-icon-openmaktabaPost Date: October 7, 2023
used-language-icon-openmaktabaLanguage: English
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 The European Iron Age

The European Iron Age by John Collis is a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the period between c. 800 BC and AD 100, which saw the rise of complex societies across Europe. This book provides a fascinating insight into the social, economic, political, and cultural developments of this period, as well as the technological advancements that took place.

The book begins by examining the early Iron Age, when small communities were transitioning from the Bronze Age and developing new technologies, such as ironworking. Collis explores the spread of the Hallstatt culture and its impact on the rest of Europe, as well as the emergence of the La Tène culture and its influence on art, religion, and warfare.

The second part of the book focuses on the Late Iron Age, when larger and more complex societies emerged, such as the Celts in Western Europe and the Etruscans in Italy. Collis discusses the political organization of these societies, including the rise of powerful leaders and the development of complex social hierarchies.

The book also explores the economic changes that took place during the Iron Age, including the development of trade networks and the emergence of coinage. Collis examines the impact of these changes on social and political structures, as well as on the daily lives of ordinary people.

In addition to these broader themes, the book also delves into specific aspects of Iron Age life, such as the role of women, the development of writing, and the use of iron in warfare. Collis draws on a wide range of sources, including archaeological evidence, historical texts, and ethnographic studies, to provide a rich and nuanced picture of this fascinating period in European history.

Overall, The European Iron Age is an essential read for anyone interested in the history of Europe and the development of complex societies. Collis’s engaging writing style and meticulous research make this book both informative and enjoyable to read..

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Iron-Age-John-Collis--The-European-Iron-Age-.pdf, 193- pages

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