The Lost World of Old Europe. The Danube Valley, 5000 3500 BC pdf download

book-title-icon-openmaktabaBook Title: The Lost World of Old Europe. The Danube Valley, 5000 3500 BC
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book-category-icon-openmaktabaBook Category: Europe Asia
book-type-icon-openmaktabaBook Type: PDF Book
number-of-pages-icon-openmaktabaBook Pages: 247
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book-post-date-icon-openmaktabaPost Date: October 7, 2023
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 The Lost World of Old Europe. The Danube Valley, 5000 3500 BC

Title: The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley, 5000-3500 BC

Authors: David W. Anthony, Jennifer Y. Chi

In “The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley, 5000-3500 BC,” authors David W. Anthony and Jennifer Y. Chi take readers on an extraordinary journey through time and space to unravel the mysteries of one of the most enigmatic and advanced ancient civilizations in Europe. This meticulously researched and beautifully illustrated book offers a comprehensive exploration of the astonishing achievements and forgotten legacy of the people who inhabited the Danube Valley over five millennia ago.

The book begins by setting the stage for the ancient world of Old Europe, a civilization that predates the more famous societies of Mesopotamia and Egypt. With vivid prose, the authors transport readers to a time when the Danube Valley was a thriving hub of innovation, culture, and trade. Through the lens of archaeology, anthropology, and art history, they paint a detailed picture of the daily lives, social structures, and spiritual beliefs of these prehistoric people.

One of the book’s strengths is its meticulous attention to the archaeological evidence, which is richly supplemented with maps, photographs, and reconstructions. From the exquisite pottery and jewelry to the intricate settlements and enigmatic clay figurines, readers are given a glimpse into the artistic and technological achievements of Old Europe.

Anthony and Chi explore the fascinating connections between Old Europe and other ancient civilizations, shedding light on the intricate web of trade and cultural exchange that spanned across Europe and Asia during this time. They also delve into the complex rituals, symbols, and religious practices of these ancient people, offering fresh insights into their spiritual world.

As the narrative unfolds, the authors skillfully guide readers through the gradual decline of the Old European civilization, raising thought-provoking questions about the factors that led to its disappearance from the historical record. They also examine the lasting influence of Old Europe on subsequent cultures and the ways in which its legacy continues to shape our understanding of prehistoric Europe.

“The Lost World of Old Europe” is not just a book about archaeology; it’s a captivating and intellectually stimulating journey into the depths of time. It challenges conventional wisdom about the ancient world and invites readers to reevaluate their perceptions of Europe’s early history. Anthony and Chi’s masterful storytelling, combined with their rigorous scholarship, make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the mysteries of our human past and the rich tapestry of European history. Whether you’re a seasoned archaeologist or a curious enthusiast, this book will transport you to a lost world waiting to be rediscovered..

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Europe-Asia-David-W.-Anthony,-Jennifer-Y.-Chi--The-Lost-World-of-Old-Europe.-The-Danube-Valley,-5000-3500-BC.pdf, 247- pages

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